You’ve realized that you can’t do this on your own and you’ve made the decision to seek help. That’s a big step and you’ve taken it. Now you’re wondering who’s the right therapist for you. At a vulnerable time like this, who will you feel comfortable with? You’re asking yourself the right question because, bottom line, therapy is about the relationship you form with your therapist.
In our sessions, we’re just human beings working together to make your life better. You’re the expert on your life and my first responsibility is to listen to you and understand where you’re coming from. I may have thirty-five years of experience and education as a counselor and therapist but you know your life, your family, your intimate relationships, your friendships, your thoughts and feelings. You need to be heard. In addition to what issues you’re facing, I’ll listen to learn who you are to discover your strengths, your intelligence, your resilience and your resolve to overcome your difficulties. My clients tell me that what they like best about working with me is that I’m a real, genuine person who is honest, direct and down-to-earth, that I get right to the issues and don’t act as if I’m somehow superior to them.